freeCodeCamp JavaScript

Scripting Exercises

What is this?

While working through freeCodeCamp's on-line course JavaScript Algorithms And Data Structures Certification I decided to keep the scripts I wrote in the Basic Algorithm Scripting section in case I ever wanted to review/reference them in the future.

Currently the output of only two of the sixteen scripts are written to the console. To see the output of each of the scripts you will need to; Clone this repo (from the GitHub link button below) Edit this page and uncomment each individual script Edit and uncomment each of the tests for each script. (One at a time or all together) Ensure the console is open in Dev Tools to see the output of console.log()

That can be tedious. Instead, I decided to put my HTML, CSS and JS skills to the test by making interactive pages to show each of the test cases and allow you to input those test cases or input your own, valid, test case and see the results without having to open the console in Dev Tools.