Personalize Your Chapter's Website

Purpose of this Tutorial

This tutorial will show;

About Us page - Personalize the Chapter Rocker

By default, the About Us page shows a HOG patch with a generic rocker above it. To have the rocker display your chapter information you will need to edit the page. The following steps will guide you.

  1. Login to your website
  2. Reference the screenshot to see the default rocker showing generic information. To change it to reflect your chapter, click the Edit tab. screenshot showing generic chapter number to change
    1. Referencing the screenshot below, click the down caret to expand the selection and click HTML code to select it.
    2. Referencing the screenshot below, locate the 9999 in the img (image) tag. Changing only the 9999 to your four digit chapter number. For most, it will be a four digit number. There are a few that will use a six digit number. screenshot showing edited link
    3. The screenshot below shows how I edited the line to use my chapter number
    4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save button.
  3. Your completed page displays showing the message "Basic page About Us has been updated" and the rocker shows your chapter. screenshot of personalized chapter rocker
  1. This section will show how to fix the broken Download the Chapter Charter and Download the Chapter Handbook links. Reference the image below to see where they are on your unedited page. Click each one and if you get a "This site can't be reached" page, continue with the following instructions. screenshot of about us page showing charter and handbook links
  2. If the links are broken, login to your website. Referencing the image below, click the Edit tab on the About Us page. screenshot showing location of edit tab
    1. Scroll down to the Chapter Charter & Handbook section The screenshot below shows the location of the two links. We will fix the "Download the Chapter Charter" link first. screenshot showing location of the two broken links
    2. Referencing the image below, use your mouse to highlight the entire "Download the Chapter Charter" string then click the Link icon shown in the ribbon. Optionally, you can click three times in rapid succession on the link. screenshot showing charter link highlighted and location of link icon
    3. Reference the screenshot below showing the 'Link' pop-up. The Protocol is set to https:// which is why the link is broken. This is a URL Link Token and it already has the protocol. Click the down caret in Protocol to expand it. screenshot showing location of protocol in link pop up
    4. Referencing the image below, from the expanded dropdown click <other> to select it. screenshot showing protocol dropdown
    5. Referencing the image below, click the OK button to finish. screenshot showing location of ok button
    6. Repeat steps 2.2 through 2.5 to fix the "Download the Chapter Handbook" link.
    7. Referencing the image below, click 'Revision information' and enter a brief message about the changes you just made. Click the Save button to save your changes and finish editing. screenshot showing option revision info and text and location of save button
  3. Test each link to verify that they now open the Chapter Charter and Chapter Handbook respectively.