
A Smartphone Application

The App Explained

Any rider or passenger that is not a member of the Raleigh NC Chapter has to sign a release form, or waiver, when participating in one of our chapter rides. Currently we rely on members knowing if their membership is current or not and if they have a valid release form on file. From the HOG Chapter Handbook, "An expired National membership automatically terminates local chapter membership and any associated memberships". If not current, members may still go on the ride but they need to sign a waiver just like any other guest.

We have a smartphone application, HogScan, that Road Captains download to their smartphone to assist with the check-in process. There is a one-time charge of $0.99 for the app. It is not required that you download and use it.

NOTE: When using the app you can see member's HOG ID and ICE (In Case of Emergency) information. This information is private and is not to be shared with anyone, including other members. Our Safety Officer and Head Road Captain will tell you, we do not use "CALL ICE". Let the first responders do that. It's their job and they're trained for it.

Using the App

Download and install the app
- Android users, find it in Play Store (search for hogscan)
- iPhone users, find it in App Store (search for hogscan)
You need to have actived/created your account on the website in order to use the smartphone app. If you have any problem creating your account, send an email to the webmaster for help resolving the issue.

App Screens - a quick tutorial

screenshot of hogscan start screen

This screen shows when you first install the app.

Tap CHOOSE CHAPTER and scroll to choose the chapter.

Our chapter is listed as Raleigh NC Chapter #4356

screenshot of hogscan login screen

Enter the same credentials (username and password) that you use to sign into the website. - iPhone users, you will be able to save your password in your keychain - Android users, there is no option to save your password at this time

Tap the SIGN IN button to login

screenshot of calendar events

Note the row of icons along the bottom. From left to right they are:

The flag icon is displayed next to the current event. Either tap on the list to go to the current event or tap on the flag icon at the bottom to go to the current event.
When a member is logged into the app and displays their V-CARD you can use this to scan their QR code and check them in.
Tap to show the list of UPCOMING EVENTS.
Tap to open a list of chapter members, then search for members to check-in.

The bottom row shows the calendar view is selected.

The thumbs up icon means you RSVP'd to that event.

Note the hamburger menu to the right of UPCOMING EVENTS. More on that later.

screenshot showing current event

Screenshot showing a current event. View shows members who have RSVP'd. If the member is present, swipe left over their name and tap CHECK IN.

Optionally tap the name and in the pop-up tap the CHECK IN button.

If a member was accidently checked in, swipe left over their name and tap REMOVE. The check mark icon will be removed.

Note, a member may RSVP to an event and not show. Do not check them in.

There can be only one CURRENT EVENT at a time.

The motorcycle icon identifies that member as a Road Captain.

screenshot of member list

Screenshot showing members of Raleigh HOG. Tap the MEMBERS icon at the bottom to access. Members who did not RSVP may still be checked in by looking them up in the members list.

It's easiest to start typing in the member's last name to find them for check-in.

When the member's name is found in the search list, swipe left over their name and tap CHECK IN. A check mark will appear indicating success.

If a member was accidently checked in, swipe left over their name and tap REMOVE. The check mark icon will be removed indicating success.

screenshot showing swipe left

Screenshot showing the result of swiping to the left to check-in a member. Tap the 'CHECK IN' box to check a member into the current event.

NOTE: Our Safety Officer and Head Road Captain will tell you, we do not use "CALL ICE". Let the first responders do that. It's their job and they're trained for it.

screenshot showing make event current

The event should be current at the time the event starts.

We normally start checking members into the Monthly Chapter Meeting fifteen minutes before the meeting starts. In that case, the Social Hour may be the Current Event so you will have to select the Chapter Meeting from the list of events in the Calendar and then tap "MAKE EVENT CURRENT" to start checking members in.

screenshot showing members organized by road captain role

As previously shown, tap the 'MEMBERS' icon at the bottom to display a list of chapter members. Tap the motorcycle icon next to the search box and the members list will be organized to show current Road Captains, listed alphabetically, first in the list. This is useful when checking in Road Captains to a Road Captain only event such as a pre-ride.

screenshot of hogscan login page

Remember that hamburger menu in the upper right that was pointed out a few times?

Tap it to open the screen shown

  • Then tap the "greater than" icon to show;
    • Your ICE information. You can edit and change it here.
    • Your Chapter expiration date
    • Your National expiration date
    • Your Release expiration date
    • The option to check yourself into the Current Event
  • Or, tap 'SIGN OUT' to sign out of the app until the next ride/event

Get the Most From the Website

While you do not have to log into the website each time, if you are not logged in (or have never logged in) you are missing information that only Road Captain's have access to. As shown in the following screenshot, when not logged in and hovering over the "Road Captains" link in the navbar there is nothing to see other than the list of current Road Captains when the link is clicked.

screenshot showing road captain not logged in

As shown in the following screenshot, when logged into the website and hovering over the "Road Captains" link in the navbar you have access to additional information that only Road Captains can see...RC Calendar, RC Forms & Documents and the link to this tutorial.

screenshot showing road captain logged in