Add Team Members

General notes, terminology and policies

For this tutorial, Primary Officer, Discretionary Officer and Road Captain are as described in the H.O.G. Chapter Charter. Ride Leader is a member that occasionally leads a ride but does not have a role that is defined in the Chapter Charter.

Add a Team Member

  1. Login to your account on and there will be a smaller Navigation Bar (navbar) on top of the Chapter navbar. See image below editor navbar
  2. Hover your mouse over the 'Content' link and when the menu expands click the 'Add Content' link. The following screen will display. screenshot of the add content page
    1. If you clicked the 'Content' link, you will need to click the '+ Add Content' link on the page that pops-up. see image below screenshot of add content link
    2. The Add Content page has links to the following:
      1. Article - creates a blog entry, not used here and a different tutorial
      2. Basic page - creates a page, not used here and a different tutorial
      3. Event - this is done by the Activities Officer, not used here and a different tutorial
      4. Forum topic - forum has been turned off for the Raleigh HOG website
      5. Gallery - this will be done by the Photographer, not used here and a different tutorial
      6. Newsletter - this will be done by the newsletter editor, not used here and a different tutorial
      7. Team Member - creates a team member. The purpose of this tutorial
    3. Note: Ignore 'Ask a question!' Clicking it will send it to an admin where it will not be seen. See your webmaster for any questions.
  3. Click the 'Team Member' link and the following page opens. see image below screenshot of create team member page
    1. First Name & Last Initial - Fill in the Team Member's name. This field is required.
    2. Member Type - Choose only one Member type
      • Primary Officer will display on the Home page - the four Primary Officers are Director, Assistant Director, Secretary and Treasurer
      • Chapter Officer will appear on the Chapter Officers page found in the 'About Us' menu
      • Road Captain will appear on the Road Captains page found in the 'About Us' menu
      • Note: if the member has a dual role (Primary Officer & Road Captain or Chapter Officer & Road Captain) you will create that member twice selecting the appropriate role each time
    3. Image - add the members picture by clicking the 'Choose File' button, selecting the image from your local computer and then clicking the 'Upload' button. A thumbnail image will display after a successful upload
    4. Email Address - add the member's email address. Since this is a forward facing page I only add the local email addresses of the Primary and Chapter Officers. E.g. Road Captains do not need to have personal email addresses displayed
  4. When all fields are filled in scroll to the bottom of the page. see image below screenshot of bottom of create team member page
    1. Weight - optionally add a number to organize how Chapter Officers and Road Captains display on the respective pages. The higher numbers display first. For example, on the Road Captains page I want the Safety Officer and Head Road Captain to display first and then show the remaining RC's alphabetically.
    2. Optionally add a Revision log message. Something as simple as 'initial team member create' lets the next person editing know what was done previously
  5. Click the Save button to complete
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to add additional Team Members

Add a Ride Leader

You may have a chapter member that leads destination rides but is neither a Chapter Officer or Road Captain and you want their picture to show as the Event Coordinator when the event is displayed on the Calendar.

Create the Team Member by only filling in the required First Name & Last Initial field and the optional Image field. Save it.

The Activities Officer will be able to select this member as the Event Coordinator and the member will not appear on either of the pages for Chapter Officers or Road Captains.

Update/Edit a Ride Leader

There needs to be a way to update or edit a Team Member that does not have an Officer or Road Captain role, and there is. The following steps will guide you through the update/edit process.

  1. Login to your website and there will be a smaller Navigation Bar (navbar) on top of the Chapter navbar. Referencing the image below, click the Content link. screenshot showing location of admin navbar
  2. The Content page opens. Referencing the image below, click inside the Type dropdown to expand it. screenshot of the content page
  3. Referencing the image below, with the Type dropdown expanded, click Team Member to select it, then click the Apply button. screenshot showing location of type dropdown on the content page
  4. Referencing the screenshot below, the page shows all Team Members; that is, Officer, Road Captains and any Ride Leaders you may have set. To make finding a team member easier, click the column header Title to alphabetize low to high. In the Operations column, click edit to edit/update a team member. screenshot showing list of team members after type was set and apply button clicked
    1. Click the Save button after making your edit changes.