Event Check-in from the Website

Checking members into an event is typically done using the HogScan smartphone application. It is possible to check in members to events using the website but the process is time consuming. The reason being because you check them in using their Username. If the member has not edited their profile, the default Username is their HOG ID. It takes time to look it up.

The Primary Officer, Membership Officer and Activities Officer roles can do an event check-in on the website but, the Activities Officer role does not have access to member information. That role will not be able to look up the member if the member has not edited their profile and put in a Username. Also, if two (or more) members each named Mike have set their Username to "Mike", there is no way of distinguishing who is who. I believe member names are shown alphabetically but have not tried this yet.

As long as the event shows in the HogScan smartphone application, use it to check in members.

Website Checkin

  1. Referencing the image below, login to your website and from the Admin toolbar click Add Content. screenshot showing admin bar content link expanded
  2. Referencing the image below, from the Add content page, click Event checkin. screenshot of add content page showing location of event checkin
  3. Referencing the image below, there are three required fields that must be filled in; Title - formatted as firstname lastname @ eventname Event - repeat of eventname User - must be the members Username. As noted above, if the member has not updated/edited their profile the default Username is their HOG ID.
    1. Click the Save button to complete screenshot of add content page showing location of event checkin

The following is a screenshot of the Content page.

The Webmaster and Primary Officer roles are the only ones that can see this page. I'm sharing it here as an example of event check-ins as the system records them when members are checked in using the smartphone application. This is the basis for the required fields when checking in members using the website.

screenshot of add content page showing location of event checkin