Upload Pictures to the Galleries

General notes, terminology and policies

  1. Rather than having many small galleries, events for each month are placed in one gallery with the title MMM YYYY [ eventName1 + eventName2 + etc ] where MMM is the first three letters of the month, YYYY is the year and the event names are in square brackets.
  2. From the HOG Chapter Handbook, "Harley-Davidson discourages H.O.G.® chapters from publishing any photographs of minor children, even with permission from a parent or guardian". We adhere to this policy.
  3. Note, images to upload must be one of the following file types; png, gif, jpg or jpeg

Upload Images

  1. Login to your account on raleighhog.com and you will see a smaller Navigational Bar (navbar) on top of the Chapter navbar.
  2. Referencing the image below, click Add content in the Admin navbar. screenshot of photographer's navbar
  3. Click Gallery from the page that opens.
    1. Note: Forum topic has been turned off for the website. It is not used and is out of scope for this document.
    screenshot of content select page
  4. Referencing the image below, the Create Gallery page opens. screenshot of create gallery page
    1. Give an appropriate Title. We use the following naming convention;
      1. MMM YYYY [ eventName1 + eventName2 + etc ] where MMM is the three letter abbreviation for the month and YYYY is the year. (For consistancy throughout our website, if the Gallery will contain images for the chapter meeting the event name is Monthly mtg)
    2. Click the Browse button
  5. Referencing the image below, the following pop-up appears where you will load the images for the gallery. screenshot of starting upload page
    1. I've only used the 'UPLOAD' method. The instructions that follow are based on that
    2. Note 'Drag files here'. This is where the you will drop the images to be uploaded
      • Allowed file types are png, gif, jpg and jpeg
    3. 'Start upload' and 'Next' will be explained in the following steps
      1. Note: There is an 'Ask a question' button that has been removed from the next few images. Do not use this button as questions go to an Admin and will not be seen. Contact your webmaster if you have any questions or issues.
  6. Select the images you want to upload and drag them to the section that says Drag files here.
  7. Referencing the image below, after dragging and dropping images click Start upload. screenshot showing location of start upload
    1. The following image shows the upload in progress. Depending on the number of images, and size of each image being uploaded, it will take a few minutes for all to upload. Wait until all images have uploaded. screenshot showing progress of image uploads
    2. Referencing the image below, after all images have uploaded, click the Next button. screenshot showing all images uploaded
    3. The image below shows the 'please wait...' message. Wait until all images have finished processing before continuing.
    4. After all images have been processed you will see a thumbnail image of each one.
    5. Optionally fill in the 'Revision log message' prior to clicking the Save button. A short message such as "initial upload of title images" (where title is the name of the gallery) is sufficient.
      1. Click the Save button to complete the upload.
    6. The following screenshot shows the message that the Gallery has been successfully created screenshot of gallery created successfully
  8. To add additional images to an existing Gallery
    1. click the Gallery to open it
    2. click the Edit tab
    3. scroll to the bottom of the page
    4. click the Browse button, then follow the steps starting at step 5 to add additional images
  9. Follow all the steps above to create a new Gallery