Manage Chapter Membership

Things You Need to Know

As time goes on there will be new members joining your chapter and, unfortunately, there will also be some members that leave.

National only knows about active HOG members worldwide. They do not know if these members have joined, or left, a local chapter. National has a HOG Chapter Tool to assist with managing local chapter membership. This is the Manage My Chapter link found in Chapter Officer Resources. Within this tool is a column titled OFFICER ROLE. Click the column title to show all assigned officer roles within your chapter. One of these roles is designated "H.O.G. Manager". This is usually someone from your sponsoring dealership and that is the person who assigns/changes the OFFICER ROLE for chapter members.

It is the responsibility of the local chapter to maintain their National HOG local membership roster. When using Manage My Chapter for local chapter membership maintenance, there is only one officer assigned as the "Membership Controller" for your chapter. The Membership Controller is the person that adds current National H.O.G. members to your National HOG local roster. The membership controller can also remove any non-officer member from your National HOG local roster. If an officer needs to be removed, the H.O.G. Manager first needs to remove the Officer Role, then the Membership Controller can remove that member.

Within the National Chapter Tool is a CREATE MEMBER REPORT button. This will be used to import the National HOG local chapter data to HOGScan. Within HOGScan, only Primary Officer and Membership Officer roles have access to member information.

This tutorial has a section showing how to add and/or delete members in National and another showing how to Import/Update your roster in HOGScan. Scroll to read through the entire tutorial or, click a link to jump to a specific section; Managing Chapter Membership in National The In-Between Managing Chapter Membership in HOGScan

Managing Chapter Membership in National

  1. Click the link and login to the Chapter Officers Resources section of then, referencing the image below, click the Manage My Chapter link. screenshot showing location of manage my chapter link
    1. Referencing the image below, the following page opens. Prior to clicking the CREATE MEMBER REPORT button you may need to add, or remove, members. (Step 2 and its substeps show screenshots and walk through finding/adding a new member) (Step 3 and its substeps show screenshots and walk through removing a member) screenshot showing location of find add member and remove member buttons
  2. The following shows the steps after clicking the FIND/ADD MEMBER(S) button.
    1. Referencing the image below,
      1. Fill in criteria, then click SEARCH button
      2. Check the box next to the MEMBER ID to select it
      3. Click the ADD MEMBERS TO MY CHAPTER button
    2. Referencing the image below, click the CONFIRM ADD MEMBERS button
    3. Referencing the image below, you will see the Successful! banner and the information of the member(s) added
  3. The following shows the steps after clicking the REMOVE SELECTED MEMBER(S) button.
    1. Referencing the image below, use the SEARCH box to find the member you need to remove check the box next to MEMBER ID to select it click the REMOVE SELECTED MEMBERS buttonscreenshot showing search field, selection button and remove button locations
    2. Referencing the image below, check the box next to the MEMBER ID to select it, then click the REMOVE SELECTED MEMBER(S) button screenshot showing member to be deleted and remove button
    3. Referencing the image below, click the CONFIRM REMOVE MEMBERS button screenshot showing comfirmation screen and confirm button
    4. Referencing the image below, you will see the Successful! banner and the information of the member(s) removed screenshot showing success message
  4. Your chapter's membership list in National is now up to date.
    1. Referencing the image below, click the CREATE MEMBER REPORT button to download the CSV file to your computer. screenshot showing location of create member report button

The In-Between

Ater completing the update to the National membership roster and prior to uploading the roster to HOGScan a lot of chapters add additional information that they've collected from members; such as street addresses.

There are many different ways to accomplish this task and each chapter has been doing it their own way for a number of years so that will not be covered here.

Managing Chapter Membership in HOGScan

  1. The following steps will guide you through uploading the file to HOGScan. (Ensure you are logged into your account.) Referencing the image below, click the HOG[SCAN] link in the admin toolbar.
    1. Referencing the image below, on the page that opens click the Chapter Administration link
    2. Referencing the image below, on the page that opens click the Import / Update Roster link
    3. Referencing the image below, on the page that opens
      1. first click the Choose File button and choose your chapter's member report CSV file
      2. then click the Upload button
    4. Referencing the image below, click the Continue button.
    5. Referencing the image below,
      1. Verify the correct FIELD MAPPING. This should be automatic as long as there are no changes in the HOG membership reports. It is always a best practice to double check it.
      2. Click to check the Update existing records and Import new records checkboxes
      3. Click the Import button to begin processing It can take a couple of minutes to process the roster.