Create Annual Container / Upload a Chapter Newsletter

General notes, terminology and policies

Create Annual Newsletter Container

Steps in this section only need to be done at the start of the calendar year

Once the container has been created and populated with the first newsletter, the remaining newsletters for the calendar year will be added by following the steps in the Upload Monthly Chapter Newsletter section.

  1. Login to your account on Referencing the image below you will see a smaller Navigational Bar (navbar) on top of the Chapter navbar. editor navbar
  2. Without clicking, hover the mouse pointer over Content to expand the menu, then hover over Add Content to expand then click Newsletter. Reference the image below screenshot of add content - newsletter dropdown
  3. Aternately, if you did click on the word Content you will then need to;
    1. Referencing the image below, click the + Add Content link. screenshot of content page
    2. Next click Newsletter to open the annual newsletter container. Reference the image below screenshot of add content page
    3. Note: The other pages that you see are beyond the scope of this document. Editing/adding each of them is covered in other tutorials.
  4. The page to create the Annual Newsletter container opens. Referencing the image below
    1. Fill in the required field, Annual Container Title
      1. Stay with the naming convention of 20xx HOGWASH Newsletters where 20xx is the new calendar year
    2. Click the Choose File button and select from your machine the current newsletter.pdf file that you wish to upload
    3. Click the Upload button
    screenshot of create annual container
  5. The page to upload the newsletter opens. Referencing the image below
    1. Fill in the Description field
      1. Stay with the current naming convention. HOGWASH MMM YYYY (where MMM is the first three letters of the month (e.g. Jan) and YYYY is the four digit calendar year).
    2. Fill in the Revision log message. Something as simple as "create 2022 annual container" is good enough for someone looking later on to see what was done.
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save button
    screenshot showing how to add title
  6. You're done. A section for the new calendar year has been created and populated with the Jan edition of the newsletter.

Upload Monthly Chapter Newsletter

  1. Login to your account on
  2. Navigate to the HOGWASH Newsletters page
  3. With your mouse, hover over the section you want to edit. see image below
    1. You will only edit the section in the current calendar year. (Section for "2022 HOGWASH Newletters" is shown as an example)
    2. Note: the current section will be outlined when you hover your mouse over the cog icon to the right of the section title
    picture of a newsletter section selected and ready for editing
  4. Referencing the image below, click on the cog icon and when it expands, click Edit. screenshot showing cog icon expanded
  5. Referencing the image below;
    1. In FILE INFORMATION scroll down to Add a new file
    2. Click the Choose File button and select from your machine the current newsletter.pdf file that you wish to upload
    3. Click the Upload button screenshot of add a new file field
  6. Once it uploads, reference the image below and
    1. Fill in the Description field.
      1. Stay with the current naming convention. HOGWASH MMM YYYY (where MMM is the first three letters of the month (e.g. Jan) and YYYY is the four digit calendar year)
    2. Fill in the Revision log message. Something as simple as "upload May newsletter" is good enough for someone looking later on to see what was done.
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save button
    screenshot of newsletter description field
  7. You're done. The current newsletter is appended to the bottom of the list in the Newsletters section.