Upload Road Captain Documents

General notes, terminology and policies

  1. Please use caution when in the directories. You have the ability to delete files. This should never be done.
  2. Files being uploaded should include a datestamp. This is how we distinguish the latest file to be used.
    • For instance, titleOfYourFile_YYYYMMDD.pdf where YYYY is the four digit year, MM is the two digit month and DD is the two digit day. This is a good filename as it allows the files to easily be ordered by name and date.
  3. Only files with the following extensions are allowed, pdf doc txt gif png jpg jpeg gpx
  4. Note that there is a directory under rootusers. The directory name starts with a 'u'. This is a directory that only you can see. You can upload files here but they cannot be shared with others. This directory will not be addressed in this tutorial. Additional information about it can be found by talking with your local webmaster.
    • By default, this is the directory selected when you first log in. Be sure and follow the instructions below to upload into the correct, working directory.

Create a New Subdirectory

Steps in this section only need to be done at the start of the calendar year

Once the subdirectory for the current year has been created, files will be added by following the steps in the Upload a Document section.

  1. Login to your account on raleighhog.com
  2. Referencing the image below, click the My account link in the navbar. screenshot showing location of my account link
  3. Referencing the image below, on your account page, click the File browser tab. screenshot showing location of file browser tab
  4. The following window opens. This shows all the directories the Road Captains have access to. Road Captains will only use the road_captains directory for this tutorial. screenshot of all road captain directories
    1. Click the road_captains directory highlighted in the above image to expand it and show the subdirectories it contains. Reference the image belowscreenshot of expanded road_captains directory
    2. If the current calendar year subdirectory for rc_docs_202x does not show, use the following steps to create the subdirectory. Otherwise, go to the Upload a Document section to continue.
      1. This tutorial assumes that a subdirectory for rc_docs_2023 needs to be added. The steps following show how to add it. Follow these steps to create the yearly subdirectory for your current situation.
    3. Ensure that the road_captains directory is highlighted. Click it to ensure it is.
    4. Referencing the image below, in the toolbar, click Directory and there will be a dropdown. screenshot showing directory in toolbar and subsequent dropdown
    5. Referencing the image below, fill in the name for the new subdirectory (rc_docs_2024 for this tutorial) then click the Add button.
    6. Referencing the image below, the new subdirectory shows in the list. Click the x in the upper right corner of the dropdown to close it.
  5. Follow the steps starting with step 4.2 in the next section, Upload a Document, to populate the new subdirectory

Upload a Document

  1. Login to your account on raleighhog.com
  2. Referencing the image below, click the My account link in the navbar. screenshot of my account link
  3. Referencing the image below, on your account page, click the File browser tab. screenshot of file browser tab
  4. The following window opens. This shows all the directories the Road Captains have access to. Road Captains will only use the road_captains directory for this tutorial. screenshot of all road captain directories
    1. Click the road_captains directory highlighted in the above image to expand it and it will expand as shown in the image below. As years go by there will be additional subdirectories added. For this tutorial we will be using the rc_docs_2022 subdirectory. screenshot of expanded road_captains directory
    2. Click on the current calendar year to expand the subdirectory. You will see a list of files that have been uploaded. For this tutorial we will use the rc_docs_2022 subdirectory. The expanded subdirectory will look similar to the image below. (The directory will be empty if you've just created a new subdirectory for the calendar year.) screenshot showing 2022 directory opened
    3. Referencing the image below, to upload a new file into the subdirectory, ensure the subdirectory is selected by clicking it and then click Upload in the toolbar. screenshot showing upload in toolbar
    4. Referencing the image below, in the pop-up that opens click the Choose File button, then select the file on your local machine that you wish to upload. Only files with the following extensions are allowed, pdf doc txt gif png jpg jpeg gpx screenshot showing upload pop-up
    5. Click the Upload button in the pop-up to load the file onto the server. Reference the image below screenshot showing pop-up upload button
    6. You will see the file you just uploaded in the list of files. If you need to upload another file continue by repeating the steps from step 4.4.
  5. Referencing the image below, when you are done uploading your file(s), click the x to close the pop-up window. screenshot showing how to close pop-up
  6. Logout when you have finished.
  7. Raleigh's website has pointers to files in this subdirectory. If you've uploaded new files, continue to the next section, Update Road Captain Forms, Documents & Procedure Links, to update the links so they point to new files you just uploaded.
    1. If you need help or have any questions, please contact your webmaster.

Update Road Captain Forms, Documents & Procedures Links

  1. This section assumes you are currently logged in and have just completed uploading one or more Road Captain documents and you now need to update the links to point to the new document.
    1. Login to your account if you are not currently logged in.
  2. Referencing the image below, navigate to the RC Forms & Documents page by hovering over the Chapter Rides link in the navbar. When it expands, hover over the Road Captains link and when it expands click the RC Forms & Documents link. screenshot of rc forms and documents page
  3. Referencing the image below, the RC Forms & Documents page opens. Click the Edit tab. screenshot showing edit tab on forms and docs page
  4. Referencing the image below, for this tutorial we will assume the Raleigh HOG Road Captains list has been updated and the title link needs to point to the new document. Steps to update other title links will follow these same steps. Note, we only edit the links for Raleigh NC Chapter. The links for HOG Legal point to HOG National and are kept current by them. DO NOT edit these links. screenshot of editable forms and docs page
  5. The following steps will unlink the currently linked document so you can link to the new one
    1. Referencing the images below, highlight the entire title link by doing one of the following; Move the mouse pointer to the beginning of the title link, right click and drag it across the entire length of the link to highlight it OR right click three (3) times on the link in quick succession.
    2. If the pop-up appears as shown, click the Cancel button to close it. screenshot showing location of cancel button
    3. Then click the Unlink icon. screenshot showing link highlighted
    4. Referencing the image below, you can see it was successful by the unlink icon being grayed out and the title to the document is no longer underlined, meaning it is no longer a link. screenshot showing title unlinked
  6. The following steps will link the new document (pdf) you just uploaded
    1. Referencing the image below, leaving the title highlighted, click the Link icon. In the pop-up that appears click the Browse server button. screenshot showing link pop-up
    2. Referencing the image below, click the subdirectory name to ensure you are in the current year subdirectory within the road_captains directory. (For this tutorial rc_docs_2022 is the current year). Note: Clicking File name will order the list of files from high to low, or low to high. screenshot showing road captain documents for 2022
    3. Referencing the image below, double click the file you are linking. You can tell the latest file by the filename, FileName_YYYYMMDD where FileName has no spaces, YYYY is the calendar year, MM is the two digit month and DD is the two digit day. screenshot showing road captain documents for 2022
    4. Referencing the image below, you are brought back to the pop-up window. Note that the URL is now populated for you. Click the Target tab. screenshot showing pop-up window with URL populated and location of target tab
    5. Referencing the image below, click not set to expand the dropdown then click New Window (_blank) to select it. The dropdown will close and New Window (_blank) will show in the target window. Click the OK button to finish. screenshot showing pop-up window with URL populated and location of target tab
    6. Referencing the image below, the pop-up window goes away and you can see that the title is now a link again. screenshot showing pop-up window with URL populated and location of ok button
    7. If necessary, update any additional links by repeating the steps starting with step 5 in this section.
  7. Final steps
    1. Referencing the image below, scroll to the bottom of the page. Optionally fill in the Revision log message. Something as simple as "update Raleigh HOG Road Captains link" is sufficient to let others know what was done. screenshot showing pop-up window with URL populated and location of ok button
    2. Click the Save button to finish. Note, do not click the 'Ask a question!' button. It will send an email to the Admin and will not be seen. If you have any questions, please contact your webmaster.
  8. That's it! You have successfully linked to an updated document.