Web Page Design - Tips & Tricks

Web Page Design - Tips & Tricks

Web page design is a career. It is not something that can be taught in a short tutorial but don't let that hinder you. Anyone can create a pleasing page. These tips are things you "see" daily as you go to different websites. You just don't realize you're seeing them.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you create a basic page or make event calendar entries.

  1. Accessibility - Make your links accessible. While accessibility is a topic unto itself the shortened version is you want to avoid uninformative link phrases. Links are more useful when they make sense out of context. Authors should stay away from non-informative link phrases such as;
    • here
    • click here
    • more
    • read more
    • link to ...
    • info
    As an example, the following three links go to the same location but only one is a best practice;
  2. Links - It's best if a link to another website opens in a different tab. This way the user does not leave your website to get lost in a rabbit hole of another website. The steps below show how to have a link open in another tab.
  3. Images - Keep images on your page at a reasonable size. No one likes to scroll left and right and up and down in order to see an image. Not everyone will be using a desktop computer to view your website, some use an Apple® or Android™ tablet. - This is especially important when placing images in event calendar entries. A lot of members use a smartphone and the HOGScan smartphone app to view the calendar and a large image means a lot of scrolling just to see the text of the event.
  4. Text emphasis - Occasionally there may be something in your text that you want to emphasize. Use caution when doing so. While making a word or phrase bold is okay, you want to avoid underlining and/or making the font color the same color as a link as it will cause confusion for anyone reading the page. - Avoid setting the emphasized word or phrase to a larger font. It's not pleasing to the human eye to be jolted with a larger font in the middle of a sentence. - One form of emphasis is the name of your ride destination. In print, the title or name of a place is generally in italics.
  5. Tokens - The HOGScan tokens are fine to use in basic pages. They help eliminate typo's, keep information consistant and in some instances allow you to have the most current documentation from National. However, do not use tokens in event calendar entries. They translate when viewing the calendar with a computer or tablet but not when viewing the calendar with the HOGScan smartphone app.
  6. Enter versus Shift + Enter - This is easier seen rather than explained. - Hitting the Enter key will move the cursor down and begin a new paragraph. - Holding down the shift key and simultaneously hitting the enter key (commonly referred to as Shift + Enter) causes a line break. The text continues on a new line, not a new paragraph. Reference the image below for a visual demonstration. screenshot showing differences between using enter and shift+enter in body copy
  7. Sandbox - Use your development environment to practice building/creating a new basic page. The sandbox environment is not seen by chapter members and any work done here will not affect the production environment that members see. The sandbox environment starts with dev. For instance, for Raleigh HOG, the sandbox environment is https://dev.raleighhog.com Login credentials are the same as your production environment.

Have Links Open in a New Tab

The following steps show how to have a link open in another tab.

  1. After filling in the link info click the Target tab. screenshot showing location of target tab
    1. Click the down carat and select New Window (_blank) from the dropdown. screenshot showing target dropdown
    2. Click the OK button to finish. screenshot showing ok button location
  2. Members will have your website readily available and the link will open in another tab.