HOG[SCAN] Wishlist

"Spiders are the only web developers happy to find bugs"

In no particular order, here are defects and enhancements from webmasters using HOG[SCAN] Defect - the software isn't working the way it says it will Enhancement - the software isn't working the way the customer wants


Unable to download/view the Chapter Charter or Chapter Handbook when clicking the respective links.
This issue was fixed on 27 Jul 2023 though older websites still have the problem since the fix is not retroactive.
Click this link to see if it's an issue with your website and if so, instructions on how to fix the broken links.
Navbar dropdown links do not have a hover color for websites using Dark Theme
When hovering over any of the links in the 'About Us' dropdown the links do not change to the hover color of orange (#e67e22). This is because in the stylesheet "style-darko...rwk59v" line 7944 {color: #D3D3D3 !important;} overrides line 7933 {color: #e67e22 !important} from the same stylesheet.
Editor role cannot control access to a Basic page
The editor role is able to create a basic page. By default, a basic page can be seen by everyone. If the page should only be seen by authenticated users the editor cannot make the change, they do not see the Access Control tab.
Since the editor role is able to create a basic page they should have the ability to control access to that page.
The smartphone app exposes member information to Road Captains
The smartphone app should not expose member's HOG ID or ICE information to Road Captains. The app is the only place where member's private info is exposed to the Road Captain role.
HogScan in-line address token needs an update
The HOG[SCAN] inline token for the dealer address, [hogscan:dealer_address] has two issues that need to be addressed. The first one is most important and should be corrected as soon as possible. The second one needs to be looked at and should be addressed.
1. When the [hogscan:dealer_address] token is used in another country the dealer's address has US appended as the country. Currently there is only one out of country chapter using HOGScan. That chapter is in Canada and Canada is not in the United States, however, the country says US instead of Canada.
2. When addressing mail to the States from another country it should be appended with our country name USA, not US. The token should be updated to correctly reflect our country's abbreviation.
Fix the GPX mapping feature on the event page
Seems to have stopped working around the same time the H-D Ride Planner altered how it gens a GPX file
Global token for Chapter Handbook needs to be updated
closed issue as fixed on 22 Dec 2022. National has updated the link on Chapter Resources, the global token points there.
Mailer link points to an out of date URL
closed issue as fixed on 27 Jan 2023. The link has updated and the user is brought to the HogScan Mailer.
Global token for member release form needs to be updated
closed issue as fixed on 26 Dec 2022. National has updated the link on Chapter Resources, the global token points there.
Hidden page has an outdated column
closed issue as will not fix on 31 Jan 2023. I figured out how to configure the column to show the current year.
Show member mileage for Ride 365
closed issue as fixed on 2 Feb 2023. Members can see Ride 365 mileage, including running total for the current year, by clicking 'My account' in the navbar


Upgrade to a better campaign emailer
Webmasters are aware there will be an improvement in HOG[SCAN] V2.0 with an alternative to Elastic Email
On the list because it's something everyone is anticipating
Show Ride Mileage on the event page if the field is non-zero
Currently the Ride Mileage is not shown in the copy of the event if it's been filled in.
If the Ride Mileage field for an event has been filled in (i.e. it's not the default of zero) then show the mileage in the event copy. Much like an Event Coordinator is shown when that field has been filled in.
Give webmasters the ability to sync the sandbox environment with the production environment
Currently a request has to be made to the Admin in order to have the sandbox environment synced with the production environment.
It would be better if webmaster's had a button to click that would run the job to sync the sandbox with production so it could be done on-demand.
Leave user's on the same page when logging out rather than sending them to the home page each time
Currently when a user logs out they are thrown back to the home page rather than leaving them on the page they were currently viewing.
When viewing the calendar and logging out, stay on the calendar page. If viewing newsletters, leave them on the default newsletter page that says "You must be logged in to view our Newsletters." In other words, it should manage state.

Report a Defect / Request an Enhancement

Webmasters, is there something you would like to see included in this list? Send me an email and I'll place it here.

Please, be descriptive. Are you reporting a defect or requesting an enhancement? For a defect, what do you see versus what should you see? For an enhancement, what you would like to see that is currently not available?