HOG[SCAN] Setup Notes

Assignable Roles

HOG[SCAN] uses "role based permissions" to restrict network access based on a members role within the HOG chapter. This allows you, the webmaster, to control what roles each officer, primary and discretionary, has to the different levels of the system. For example, not every primary officer wants, or needs, the Primary Officer role.

Remember, you have a sandbox (dev) environment to work/test in. Make changes and try things in that environment first. It is easier to undo errors there than it is in your production environment. Login credentials are the same for both environments

It is helpful to create a dummy user. You can assign different roles to this user, then login to see what that role can/cannot do.

Roles on this page are listed by permissions, highest to lowest.

Please note that the Webmaster, Primary Officer and Membership Officer roles have access to member information. Assign these roles with caution.

- Access to member information
- All permissions
- File browser directories (click 'My account' then the 'File browser' tab) read/write access to the shared, primary_officers, activities, road_captains and membership directories
Primary Officer
- Access to member information - able to read/edit member information and assign HOGScan roles
- Can do Chapter Administration (Downloads, Import/Update Roster, Send SMS Messages) - able to see all Chapter Reports
- Can change the website's structure
- Permission to Flush caches
- Has access to the HOGScan Mailer
- Can edit the Content page
- Can add/edit; - Article - Basic page - Event - Event Checkin - Forum topic - Gallery - Newsletter - Team Member
- Can see Check-ins and RSVPs in the Event Calendar
- File browser directories (click 'My account' then the 'File browser' tab) - read/write access to shared, primary_officers, activities, road_captains and membership directories
Membership Officer
- Access to member information - able to read/edit member information and assign HOGScan roles
- Can do Chapter Administration (Downloads, Import/Update Roster, Send SMS Messages) - able to see all Chapter Reports
- Has access to the HOGScan Mailer
- Can add/edit; - Article - Event Checkin - Forum topic - Gallery
- Can see Check-ins and RSVPs in the Event Calendar
- File browser directories (click 'My account' then the 'File browser' tab) - read/write access only to shared and membership directories
- No access to member information
- Can change the website's structure
- Permission to Flush caches
- Has access to the HOGScan Mailer
- Can edit the Content page
- Can add/edit; - Article - Basic page - Event - Forum topic - Gallery - Newsletter - Team Member
- Cannot see Check-ins and RSVPs in the Event Calendar
- File browser directories (click 'My account' then the 'File browser' tab) - read/write access only to shared directory
Activities Officer
- No access to member information
- Has access to the HOGScan Mailer
- Can add/edit; - Article - Event - Event Checkin - Forum topic - Gallery
- Can see Check-ins and RSVPs in the Event Calendar
- File browser directories (click 'My account' then the 'File browser' tab) - read/write access only to shared and activities directories
- No access to member information
- Has access to the HOGScan Mailer
- Permission to add/edit; - Forum topic - Gallery
- Cannot see Check-ins and RSVPs in the Event Calendar
- File browser directories (click 'My account' then the 'File browser' tab) - read/write access only to shared directory
Road Captain
- No access to member information
- No permissions but can see the RC Calendar and RC Forms & Documents page
- Can see Check-ins and RSVPs in the Event Calendar
- File browser directories (click 'My account' then the 'File browser' tab) - read/write access only to road_captains and shared directories

Production vs Sandbox

Remember that there are two environments that you, the webmaster, and any Chapter Officer that has an assignable role can work in. Production - the website that all members see Sandbox - where you can try things out to see how they work without having an impact on what members see. It is easier to correct errors in this environment than in Production.

The Sandbox environment starts with dev. (E.g. our sandbox environment is dev.raleighhog.com) Login credentials are the same for both environments

You can see that the Sandbox is a mirror of Production but also note that changes made to the Production environment may take a few days, or more, to show in the Sandbox. They are not synced daily. (Syncing is done from Production to Sandbox. Not vice versa.) If an error is made in the Sandbox that you cannot correct, contact the Administrator (Russ) to get it back in sync with Production if unable to wait the few days until they sync up again.


Use the read/write access to directories to your advantage. Do not just dump files or images into a directory. Rather, create subdirectories as needed. For example, in the activities directory you can create one subdirectory to place images for destination rides and another subdirectory for images for dealer events. It's clear to you, and to others, what the different subdirectories are for.

In addition to the aforementioned directories, each assignable role also has read/write permission to a users directory. This directory is unique to each person, even those that share the same role cannot see anothers users directory.

Only files with the following extensions are allowed, gif png jpg jpeg pdf doc txt gpx csv

Click the link for a tutorial, with step-by-step instructions, to help you Create / Add Subdirectories.

Team member - Primary Officer versus Chapter Officer versus Road Captain

There are three different pages that show the Primary Officers, Chapter Officers and Road Captains. The four Primary Officers display on the Home page. Chapter Officers and Road Captains each have pages in the About Us menu.

A member may have a dual role. That is, in addition to being a Primary Officer or a Chapter Officer they may be a Primary Officer AND a Road Captain or a Chapter Officer AND a Road Captain. A best practice when you 'Create Team Member' for someone that has dual roles is to keep the roles separate. That means you will add that team member twice. Once where you'll check the box for their Primary Officer / Chapter Officer and the second time where you check the box for their Road Captain role. This will help when a Primary/Discretionary Officer leaves a role yet remains a Road Captain. This also helps when ordering the Chapter Officers and Road Captains pages. By default, the four Primary Officers are assigned weights so they show first. I then assign a weight to each of the Discretionary Officers to order how they are displayed. In a similar way on the Road Captains page, I want the Safety Officer and Head Road Captain to display first so they are assigned higher weights. I then assign weights to each of the remaining Road Captains so they list alphabetically.

Click the link for a tutorial, with step-by-step instructions, to help you Add a Team Member.

Manage Chapter Membership

One of the responsibilities of local chapters is maintaining their National HOG local membership roster. In National's Chapter Officer's Resources is a Manage My Chapter section for maintaining local chapter membership.

Click the link for a tutorial, with step-by-step instructions, to help you Manage Chapter Membership in National and HOGScan.

Create a Basic Page

Know that when creating a basic page, by default, non-authenticated users can view the page.

If the page you are creating should only been seen by authenticated users, a best-practice is to give the page a Title, provide a menu link and then Save the page. You can then go to the page and click the 'Access control' tab to configure the access control settings for the page. Submit the settings to save them prior to editing the page and filling in the content.

Click the link for a tutorial, with step-by-step instructions, to help you Create a Basic Page.

Event Calendar

All rides/events are "closed". While we want as many people as possible to attend and enjoy our rides/events there is a difference between an "open" ride/event and a "closed" ride/event. Be sure to understand the difference and mark events appropriately. Full information can be found in the HOG Chapter Handbook. You can also check with your HOG Regional Manager for clarification. The big difference between the two is liability. For your HOG Chapter the majority of rides/events are "closed". This means that 51% of the participants need to be local chapter members. If this is not true, the ride/event can still take place but it is no longer considered a chapter event. In order for any ride/event to be considered "open" (e.g. Open Chapter Ride/Open Event) additional insurance is needed. The chapter needs to apply for this weeks in advance of the open ride/event and it needs to be approved and paid for.

Click the link for a tutorial, with step-by-step instructions, to help you Update the Event Calendar.


By default, the Galleries display in reverse chronological order. This means the newest galleries added are displayed first. If you give dates to your galleries you may potentially have galleries that do not display in the correct timeline if they are not loaded in order. For instance, if you add a gallery called April 2022 and then add a gallery called Dec 2021 this older gallery will display first You can manually order galleries by setting the 'Authored on' date in the 'Authoring information' section to the date the pictures were taken. (When editing, the field has a sample of the format to use.) Note: Only the Webmaster role can see/edit this field.

Files with the following extensions are allowed, png gif jpg jpeg

Click the link for a tutorial, with step-by-step instructions, to help you Upload Images to the Galleries Page.

Light Theme or Dark Theme

HOG[SCAN] allows you to configure your website for either a light or dark theme. Normally you will configure/choose your theme when first setting up your site however, you may want to change it after the fact.

By default, when first delivered the website has a light theme; meaning it has a white background with orange lettering. You can keep the light theme and change only the color of the lettering or you can choose a dark theme for your site. The following steps will walk you through making the change.

Login to your website then;
In the Admin toolbar hover your mouse over the icon that looks like a house
Click Index from the dropdown
In the box labeled SYSTEM, click Appearance
Click the Settings link for Jollyness
WARNING! - Leave Jollyness as the default theme. DO NOT set Orane or Seven Subtheme as a default
From the navbar on the left, click Presets
From the Default preset click the down carat to expand the dropdown
Choose your theme (White or Dark). The second color will be the color of the font. (I prefer Dark-Orange...Harley colors)
Click the Save configuration button to save your changes and finish

Change That Font

Not a fan of the Permanent Marker font used on the Home page and in the Footer? Would you like to change it to a sans-serif font? Then follow the steps below.

A word of caution. Make no changes to anything except what is described below.

It is best if you first try this in your Sandbox environment.

Login to your Sandbox environment, then;
In the administrator navbar at the top, click Appearance
In the window that opens click the Settings link in Jollyness (default theme)
WARNING! - Leave Jollyness as the default theme. DO NOT set Orane or Seven Subtheme as a default
In the window that opens, click Fonts from the nav links on the left side
In the window that opens, scroll down to Custom font #1
Change Permanent Marker to a sans-serif font such as Open Sans or Ubuntu
Scroll down and click the Save configuration button to save your change.

Here is an example of the default Permanent Marker font and below it the same text using the Open Sans font.

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