HOG[SCAN] is a content management system (CMS) designed to help HOG chapters set up a responsive, easy to maintain website. The pages here started off as notes to myself and something I could share with team members but, I’m going to open this up to any chapter that uses HOG[SCAN] in the hopes that they help someone else.
HOG[SCAN] webmasters, if you have something you would like to see added here, have something to contribute, or would like to ask me a question please feel free to send me an email.
Set up
The following pages show some of the initial steps you’ll need to familiarize yourself with prior to having your website go live.
HOG[SCAN] Set up Notes - HOGScan uses role based permissions to restrict network access based on a members role. This page contains a description of the various roles, the access granted to each one and other useful set up notes.
Personalize the About Us page - This tutorial shows how to edit the About Us page so the rocker reflects your Chapter’s rocker. It also shows how to fix the broken links to the Chapter Charter & Chapter Handbook.
HOG[SCAN] Tokens - An overview on using the two types of tokens (Inline and URL Link) provided by HOGScan.
Manage Chapter Membership - This tutorial shows how to manage local chapter membership, such as expiration dates, add/removing members, etc, for the National level roster and the HOGScan roster.
Subscribe to the Event Calendar - Tutorial to subscribe to the chapter Event Calender with Android™ and Apple® smartphones.
cPanel / Webmail
Set-up and Manage Officer Email Accounts
How-to Guides / Tutorials
The following tutorials were created to help ease the transition for someone moving into a new role as a primary or discretionary officer. They are step-by-step how-to guides that can be used by a first timer as well as provide a reference for those with more experience. Although certain steps may be specific to the Raleigh NC Chapter website, the overall steps should be generic enough that other chapters using HOG[SCAN] can follow along with only slight modifications.
Webmasters, feel free to share any one of these tutorials with a member who is stepping into a new role.
I realize some of these may seem verbose but not knowing skill levels I tried to cover as many contingencies as possible while still making them clear, informative and easy to follow.
- First look at the HOGScan Editor - Activities Officer, Editor, Membership Officer & Primary Officer roles
- Some Web Page / Event Calendar Tips & Tricks - Activities Officer, Editor, Membership Officer & Primary Officer roles
- How to Grant Update / View Access to basic pages for members without a role - Webmaster role
- How to Generate a Points Report - Membership Officer & Primary Officer roles
- How to Add a Team Member - Editor & Primary Officer roles
- How to Place a Newsletter on the Website - Editor & Primary Officer roles
- How to Update the Event Calendar - Activities Officer, Editor & Primary Officer roles
- How to Create a Blog entry - Activities Officer, Editor, Membership Officer & Primary Officer roles
- How to Upload Gallery Images - Photographer, Activities Officer, Editor, Membership Officer & Primary Officer roles
- How to Create a Basic Page - Editor & Primary Officer roles
- How to Create Subdirectories - Every role (directory access is determined by role)
- How to Upload Road Captain Documents - Editor & Primary Officer (edit access granted to Head Road Captain by username)
- How to Check-In Members Using the Website - Activities Officer, Membership Officer & Primary Officer roles
- How to Place a Financial Report on the Website - Editor & Primary Officer roles (page created by/for Raleigh NC Chapter)
- How to Add Monthly Meeting Minutes - Edit access granted to username (page created by/for Raleigh NC Chapter)
Smartphone App
csv Files
Defects / Enhancements
HOG[SCAN] Wishlist - A page showing reported defects and asked for enhancements
Defect - the software isn’t working the way it says it will
Enhancement - the software isn’t working the way the customer wants
HOG Chapters Powered by HOG[SCAN] - Alphabetized by state and then city, this page has the HOG chapters using HOGScan and provides a link to each one.
Added pages
The following pages were created for the Raleigh HOG website. I have a background writing code with HTML and CSS so it’s easier for me to create a page off-line and then copy/paste it to the CMS site.
The pages here are shown as examples of what you can do to personalize your website.
These pages are open source, meaning you should feel free to use them if you want. If you need help using them on your website, or would like me to help you create a basic page for your website, feel free to contact me.
- FAQ and Ladies of Harley - both pages are simplistic in that there is not much coding that I did when creating them. However, the FAQ page uses the HTML description list rather than an unordered or ordered list only because I think it works better for the page and doesn’t require me to put additional tags around the question in order to make the text bold.
- 15 Rides for ‘25 Ride Challenge, Dealership Check-in Challenge, 50 Rides, One Nation and HOG Rally Schedule - All are from national’s Ride 365 challenges. I thought adding them to the website would be another way to get members out and riding…solo or in a group.
- Financial Reports and Meeting Minutes pages were created for the Raleigh HOG chapter. These pages are only viewable by authenticated users.
I wasn’t able to clone the newsletters page but I did use its format as a starting point in how I wanted these two pages to display. I used a similar color scheme and call the PDF icon for the bullet points.
- Patch Rides - shows various patches Raleigh NC Chapter members can earn by doing what everyone loves…riding. The page was styled using Flexbox to make it easier to add additional patch images along with the title and description. The description of each patch ride includes a link to a PDF which has the requirements to be met to earn the patch.
- Merchandise - shows available chapter merchandise. The page also shows if an item is out of stock or low stock. Hovering over an image causes it to grow.
There is no JavaScript behind this page. If an item is low, or out of stock, the page has to be manually updated.
- HOG Member of the Year - an award unique to the Raleigh NC Chapter. It is a list of chapter members who were selected for this honor each year since its inception in 2004. I tried to make the nameplates look plaque-like by giving a light source effect to each one. (This is a mock up. Members/authenticated users see first and last names after logging in.)
- Memorial Wall - Remembering chapter members who have passed. Similar to the plaque-like page for the HOG Member of the Year. (This is a mock up. Members/authenticated users see first and last names after logging in.)
- Former Officers - With 35+ years of chapter history and still going we wanted to have a page to look back on all our former officers. I was trying to think of a different design for this page. I think the cards work well. (This is a mock up. Members/authenticated users see first and last names after logging in.)